James Campbell High School

District: Oahu

School: James Campbell High School



Grade Level:Secondary

Specific Grades:9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

Placement Type:Inclusion: Supporting & collaborating across multiple grade levels/teachers simultaneously, Inclusion: Co-teaching alongside a general education teacher for each subject, Resource/Pull-Out, Community-Based Instruction (CBI), Medically Fragile

Content Area(s):Math, Science, All Subjects (FSC/CBI), Medical Fragile

Notes:We have a Transition Coordinator who will help to gather information for the transition section of the IEP and does the testing for all SPED students. Since we are a large school, there is a clerk that schedules all the IEP meetings except for revisions.

Position begins:ASAP

Contact Name:Donna Deai

Preferred method to contact:Phone

